【NEW】2024/4/24 新作追加
【NEW】2024/4/24 新作追加
カート 0
ケビン・ルモニエ / Satyre
ケビン・ルモニエ / Satyre
ケビン・ルモニエ / Satyre
PJ Arts Tokyo

ケビン・ルモニエ / Satyre

通常価格 ¥130,000 ¥0 単価 あたり
税込 配送料は購入手続き時に計算されます。


手入れ不要の盆栽「Briller- ブリエ-」の新作です。


1990年 パリ生まれのアーティスト、ソムリエ、事業家。
コレクターの父より盆栽の扱いと絵画を学ぶ。16 才から料理店でソムリエ修行をはじめ、DUCASSE Paris、La Cour Jardin など名だたる店のシェフソムリエとして活躍するまでになる。同時に制作活動を続けた。
盆栽、武道などの日本文化に魅せられ事業での来日を機に日本へ移住。30箇所以上の酒蔵を訪れ、蔵と外界との境界として祀られる” しめ縄” の神聖な姿に感銘を受け制作技法を学ぶ。
同技法を応用し様々な色のワイヤーで創る手入れ不要の盆栽「Briller- ブリエ-」にて新たな形の日本文化を発信している。

wire,wood trunk,ceramic

This work is sold in-store, so your order may be canceled if it is out of stock. Please note.

Artist, sommelier, and industrialist born in Paris in 1990.
He learned how to treat and paint bonsai from his collector father. He started training as a sommelier at a restaurant when he was 16 years old, and went on to work as a chef sommelier at famous restaurants such as DUCASSE Paris and La Cour Jardin. At the same time he continued his production activities.
He was fascinated by Japanese culture such as bonsai and martial arts, and moved to Japan for his business. He visited more than 30 sake breweries and was impressed by the sacred appearance of ”shimenawa”, which are enshrined as the boundary between the brewery and the outside world, and learned the production techniques. He is transmitting a new form of Japanese culture by applying the same technique and creating ”Briller” bonsai, which requires no maintenance, using wires of various colors.